Monday, October 26, 2009

Making the Internet Safer for Students

Resources Abound for Setting Up Internet Safety Programs
By Jennifer Hanson

Internet safety and policing must be an issue schools battle, as the school learns computer technology at the same pace of the students. A task anyone would be weary of leading, educators and parents have decided to educate their students on the importance of online safety . Topics such as web addresses, posting comments into the cyberworld and communicating with unknown people are addressed with safety being the number one priority.

Actions such as law enforcement speaking in a class, and specialized groups being created within the school; students acting as ambassadors for other students are ideas, but I believe more needs to be done. Hudson suggests working with the school staff, such as teachers and librarians, educating them, but I believe that will only help them learn, not the students. Based on experience, I believe students may "tune out" on these presentations and more action needs to take place to prevent mischievous behavior after law enforcement comes to the class or after the senior high school ambassador speaks.

As strange as it sounds, I am a fan of policing inappropriate behavior by censorship. It would be helpful in schools if the IT department could block the use of curse words and/or websites such as Facebook or Myspace. I believe this would be an idea "Project Safe Childhood" Coordinator would also like. As un-American is censorship is, it is protecting students, especialy younger students. Project Safe Childhood work with law enforcement, the schools and parents and believes educating the community is the first step. Unfortunately in this day and age, our students may have an upperhand in technology and a schools' best measure in safety may be to just block it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Safe Alternative for Students

Searchme Simplifies Searching
By Kaya Hardin

As adults, we have trained ourselves through experience of using the web. When an elementary student wants to find out more on Zebras, and simply types "zebras" into Google, it can be a bit overwhelming! I tried for myself and was distracted right away by the pictures, but under that was the first site: Wikipedia, a website anyone can go into and edit. There are 559,000 choices after that! This may be a bit overwhelming for a 2nd grader.

Searchme is more directed to students and offers screen shots of each website. Its a more simple search drive, less wording, more visual and safer. What I found to be an incredible smart design for students was its ability to narrow down the subject. For instance, zebras would be broken down into wildlife, sports teams or schools with that name, pictures, sounds, or zoo's that have zebras nearby.

I find this site to be safe for students but also a stepping stone for young students just beginning their research online. Searchme allows young children to organize and create saved files which can only boost their confidence as they work away on the computer. Most young children want to act like grown ups. This website allows students to feel very grown up with its user friendly space. This can only lead to greater confidence and looking forward to the next step in learning.

Our New Era

Lights, Camera, Learning
By Glenn Bull and Lynn Bell

I thought it would be entertaining to find an article from my graduating year of high school, 1997. Our world has faced such a drastic technological change, which only seemed to be a delightful alternative to research 12 years ago. This certainly was a "cultural shift", as they describe it in the article. Moving from analog to digital also sped up our activity online, but it also gave us the opportunity to use computers and cameras; whether it be still or motion, online.

I found this article very interesting for the points it made on the advanced steps with a digital upgrade for tasks such as editing. Editing movies online is simple compared to 10-15 years ago! Not only does this free up ones time, but as an educator, I feel comfortable enough to create movies online for my own classes, knowing our technology has made it easy enough, user friendly as we say. I could apply these user friendly advancements in technology to apply towards a virtual teacher traveling through another time; and article I wrote about last week.

With our youth being the most active on the web nowadays, it is vital adults keep up in order to receive the respect of their students and the parents the students go home to. The article mentions benefits of using digital video over analog with subjects such as history, language arts, and science. The only subject Bull and Bell shy ed away from (after mentioning it) was science. Back then, they perceived using these tools would not be as effective because science tends to have more "hands on" opportunities. I laughed to myself at that comment because now, in 2009, I know the most impacting biology and chemistry lectures I have witnessed have involved a computer simulation of organisms. The pictures from those textbooks are long forgotten but I still recall the amazing simulations created on the computer. We have come so far in a decade!

The article mentions nothing of mathematics. I am interested to see how our computers will help up in that department. For me, that may be the only subject I do not use the computer, or online links to. I'm sure one day, I will laugh at my own comment and rely on it more than a calculator.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Virtual World for Students Today

Walk Fly or Teleport to Learning: Virtual Worlds in the Classroom
By: Maureen Brown Yoder

Including a virtual teacher for students, a virtual version of myself, seems like it would be a successful tool in keeping subjects like history intriguing. As Ms. Brown states in her article, she finds virtual self going places she never thought possible and her students enjoy it as much as they would watching an entertaining movie in class.

The idea of using MUVE's, a virtual creator, is new to me and sounds fun for even the inexperienced web user. Creating a virtual being can be done in a fantasy-like way, for instance using a T-Rex to travel through the Dinosaur age, or creating a man or woman model to look just like you. Opportunities of walking through a different time are more interesting than reading out of a book to the class, with projector style pictures as a visual aide.

I look forward to educating myself about MUVE's right away, so that I can be ready upon my first day of teaching. I also found that "Global Kids" is helpful tool in a virtual classroom, but MUVE's seem much more effective in keeping a class interested in topics that may become colorless.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cyberbullying Seminars

Cyberbullying: Using Virtual Scenarios to Educate and Raise Awareness
By: Vivian H. Wright

I think it is essential in this technological age to educate all teachers about cyberbullying. This article explains the breakdown of the educators workshops to recognize signs of a student being affected by a cyberbully and the steps to make a computer classroom a safe place for students.

Even in our college classrooms, it is very easy to see young adults logging onto networking sites in between their classroom web sites. Knowing we, as teachers cannot police each students activity in front of their screen, it is important to recognize students body language at their computer and any change of behavior.

This is important for all teachers to learn, regardless of their years in the classroom. I am pleased to see schools provide these seminars as a requirement in order to protect our children from bullying, humiliation, distraction, and even suicide as we have seen in the news recently. Anything that we can do to protect out students and help the parents is a gift to each child's future.