Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Safe Alternative for Students

Searchme Simplifies Searching
By Kaya Hardin

As adults, we have trained ourselves through experience of using the web. When an elementary student wants to find out more on Zebras, and simply types "zebras" into Google, it can be a bit overwhelming! I tried for myself and was distracted right away by the pictures, but under that was the first site: Wikipedia, a website anyone can go into and edit. There are 559,000 choices after that! This may be a bit overwhelming for a 2nd grader.

Searchme is more directed to students and offers screen shots of each website. Its a more simple search drive, less wording, more visual and safer. What I found to be an incredible smart design for students was its ability to narrow down the subject. For instance, zebras would be broken down into wildlife, sports teams or schools with that name, pictures, sounds, or zoo's that have zebras nearby.

I find this site to be safe for students but also a stepping stone for young students just beginning their research online. Searchme allows young children to organize and create saved files which can only boost their confidence as they work away on the computer. Most young children want to act like grown ups. This website allows students to feel very grown up with its user friendly space. This can only lead to greater confidence and looking forward to the next step in learning.


  1. This is a great alternative for students. Wikipedia is a really cool website, but who knows if we are REALLY getting the truth. Searchme is great for students. I like how they break things down into categories, and things are not as distracting as they would be using google. I also like how it is safe, but it gives students and young children the experience of working online.

  2. Its about time. Students need a reliable way to obtain information. Of course they need to be able to verify if it is truth or not but every article can be overwhelming.
