Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Virtual World for Students Today

Walk Fly or Teleport to Learning: Virtual Worlds in the Classroom
By: Maureen Brown Yoder

Including a virtual teacher for students, a virtual version of myself, seems like it would be a successful tool in keeping subjects like history intriguing. As Ms. Brown states in her article, she finds virtual self going places she never thought possible and her students enjoy it as much as they would watching an entertaining movie in class.

The idea of using MUVE's, a virtual creator, is new to me and sounds fun for even the inexperienced web user. Creating a virtual being can be done in a fantasy-like way, for instance using a T-Rex to travel through the Dinosaur age, or creating a man or woman model to look just like you. Opportunities of walking through a different time are more interesting than reading out of a book to the class, with projector style pictures as a visual aide.

I look forward to educating myself about MUVE's right away, so that I can be ready upon my first day of teaching. I also found that "Global Kids" is helpful tool in a virtual classroom, but MUVE's seem much more effective in keeping a class interested in topics that may become colorless.


  1. I think this would be something that students would be so interested in. They would definitley pay attention. I think that students would be more engaged if they were to atually experience something rather than read out of a textbook...

  2. A great way to keep the learning interesting!
